Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Vanity Toy

This is Emma painting Richard's toenails with her new Little Tikes vanity mirror! She is having the best time playing with it!
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Rebecca said...

Hi. Today at a yard sale I bought my daughter a Little Tikes vanity set and wanted to look up pictures of it because I noticed a few empty slots and wanted to know what belonged there. Just a missing comb and finger nail polish, no big deal. But as I was looking up pictures I saw the picture you have for your daughter playing with hers and had to click on it because as soon as I seen it I pictured my daughter Shelby and her daddy doing that to.
Anyway, I was checking out your blog and seen you mentioned Northport. I then had to check out more of your blog (from most recent) and discovered sure enough, you live in my old hometown! Moved away to Pennsylvania with my parents in 1999 but I graduated from Tuscaloosa County High in 1998.
I never thought that googling pictures of my daughter's new toy from a yard sale would bring me closer to home. By the way, if you don't mind me asking since your daughter has the same toy, where the heck do you put the batteries? I can't seem to find a way to open it anywhere but I can tell by the little speaker that it must make noise or some sort.