Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Currently Reading

I love to read and I spend as much time as possible doing so. Unfortunately, with a toddler around the house, we spend a lot of time reading about Sesame Street and the Wiggles! However, from the minute I get Emma to sleep, I snuggle down with a good book. I just finished a really good one last night. It was Falling by Christopher Pike. I used to read all of his young adult novels in high school and was excited to find a new adult novel by the author at the library. It was a really good suspense novel. It starts out with two very different plot lines and you really have no idea how they are going to be related. When the stories come together it makes for a great read. I really enjoyed it and I would recommend it. I started reading Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella. It is part of the Shopaholic series, which I have not read before. The novel seems to be very funny and a very fast read so far. I look forward to getting further into it.