Thursday, September 18, 2008

Emma Update

On Tuesday night, Emma started running a fever, vomited, and ended up having a seizure that last between 20 to 30 minutes. We went to the emergency room and they gave her phenobarbitol in an IV. It knocked her out like a light, but also gave her night terrors every hour during the night! Her fever was 104 at 3:30 in the morning.

On Wednesday, Gaga came over to keep Emma while I went to work. Emma vomited one time that morning and was really groggy and not acting like herself the rest of the day. She had a fever most of the day too.

Today, Gaga came back over again to keep Emma. Emma vomited again this morning, but seemed to perk up and started acting like herself again today. So far she has not run a fever, but I am going to keep her home tomorrow just to make sure she is doing better! We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon with her pediatrician. Richard thinks they will probably refer us to a pediatric neurologist to discuss her seizures.


Stretching with Elle

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Cheer Camp

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Cheer Camp

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Emma talking about her latest obsession: Yo Gabba Gabba!

Emma Singing

Emma The Teacher

This is Emma inside of her Dora tent. She put her babies in there and told me she was going to teach those kids. She closed the door so the babies couldn't get out if they saw their mommies. She read them stories and songs. I guess she takes after her mommy!